The folks who supported this project through Pledge Music made it possible—without that support it would not exist. I want to send a heart-felt “Thank You!” to each and every one, but especially the supporters listed below.
Julia Bailey
Sue Baust
Nancy Dunning Baxter
Linda Fritz
Tom Bernitt
Deb Bouchard
Sally Brown
Peggy and Ralph Brown
Chris & Peter Bryant
Tom Buggey
Brian C. O’Connor
William & Maryanne Campbell
Bruce Carruthers
David Caruso
Ray Martin Cerimeli
Pamm Chaney
Gail & Hal Chapman
Star and Michelle Childs
Bob Clarkin
Ron Colbroth
Michael Combs
Margie Conner
Curry L Cooksey
Katherine R. Downing, Esq.
Dan Dupill
Tom Dupree
Michael P. Eldredge
Ken and Chris Emery
David Engvall
Gareth Evans
Bob & Linda Cheveronflightrv
Nancy Stanton
Paul J Foley
Ray Garon Auburn NH
Wendell Geis
Paul K Gleske
Michael L. Gluck
John and Beth Goldrosen
Al Graichen
Jackie Griswold
Andrew E. Gross
In memory of Hedi Astor
Victor Ian Harrison
Dan Hau
Joan Havens
Linda Hay
Stephen P. Herman, M.D.
Melissa Horton
Ian B Hudson
Steve Hurowitz
Lou & Meem Klug
R William Simpson, Jr.
Frank Judge
Barry Kasindorf
Bob Keller
Steve Klugman
Sarah Kowalski
Riea Lainoff
Liz Lewis
Sue Baust
Nancy Dunning Baxter
Linda Fritz
Tom Bernitt
Deb Bouchard
Sally Brown
Peggy and Ralph Brown
Chris & Peter Bryant
Tom Buggey
Brian C. O’Connor
William & Maryanne Campbell
Bruce Carruthers
David Caruso
Ray Martin Cerimeli
Pamm Chaney
Gail & Hal Chapman
Star and Michelle Childs
Bob Clarkin
Ron Colbroth
Michael Combs
Margie Conner
Curry L Cooksey
Katherine R. Downing, Esq.
Dan Dupill
Tom Dupree
Michael P. Eldredge
Ken and Chris Emery
David Engvall
Gareth Evans
Bob & Linda Cheveronflightrv
Nancy Stanton
Paul J Foley
Ray Garon Auburn NH
Wendell Geis
Paul K Gleske
Michael L. Gluck
John and Beth Goldrosen
Al Graichen
Jackie Griswold
Andrew E. Gross
In memory of Hedi Astor
Victor Ian Harrison
Dan Hau
Joan Havens
Linda Hay
Stephen P. Herman, M.D.
Melissa Horton
Ian B Hudson
Steve Hurowitz
Lou & Meem Klug
R William Simpson, Jr.
Frank Judge
Barry Kasindorf
Bob Keller
Steve Klugman
Sarah Kowalski
Riea Lainoff
Liz Lewis
Frankie Lieberman
Mary Lindstrom
Beth and Norman Loberant
Jackie Locantore
Debra Lucas
Phil Luecke
Sean J Lynch
Craig & Pam Meadows
Jonathan Mernit
Joe Meyer
Alex Mineff
John & Jacquelyn Morgan
Saul P. Morgenstern
Jim Morin
Christopher Scott Mosher
Andy & Pat Moysenko
Jim & Chris Mulvey
Sig & Liz Nagys
Kathy Newcomb
Prof. Bill Niemi Club 47 Emeritus
Char Nolten
Michael Scott O’Donnell
Richard Pollard
Bruce R Porter
Laurel Przybylski
Name Bob Regelman
Jim Reid
Katie Robey
Victoria M. Robinson, MSS, LCSW, ACSW
Ron Rubin
Didi Ryall
Randy Sawtelle
Janet Schaeffer
Peter Schiffrin
Phyllis & Elliot Schreiber
Jeff Schwartz
Bob Sherwood & Kathy Emrich
Howard Ari $ilver
Jeff Smith
Jef Sneider
Ken, Cathy and Clay Springer
Jack & Mary Tassini
John Taylor
Randall Taylor-Craven
Scott Thompson
Stephen Tiffany
Doug Toelle
Steve Troyanovich
Deb Tully
Marilyn Verburgh
Donna J. Wagner
Tommie Hoxter-Watson
Renée Weitzner
Remember the Shaboo! John & Gretchen
Bob Whitfield
Pat & Steve Yozell
Mary Lindstrom
Beth and Norman Loberant
Jackie Locantore
Debra Lucas
Phil Luecke
Sean J Lynch
Craig & Pam Meadows
Jonathan Mernit
Joe Meyer
Alex Mineff
John & Jacquelyn Morgan
Saul P. Morgenstern
Jim Morin
Christopher Scott Mosher
Andy & Pat Moysenko
Jim & Chris Mulvey
Sig & Liz Nagys
Kathy Newcomb
Prof. Bill Niemi Club 47 Emeritus
Char Nolten
Michael Scott O’Donnell
Richard Pollard
Bruce R Porter
Laurel Przybylski
Name Bob Regelman
Jim Reid
Katie Robey
Victoria M. Robinson, MSS, LCSW, ACSW
Ron Rubin
Didi Ryall
Randy Sawtelle
Janet Schaeffer
Peter Schiffrin
Phyllis & Elliot Schreiber
Jeff Schwartz
Bob Sherwood & Kathy Emrich
Howard Ari $ilver
Jeff Smith
Jef Sneider
Ken, Cathy and Clay Springer
Jack & Mary Tassini
John Taylor
Randall Taylor-Craven
Scott Thompson
Stephen Tiffany
Doug Toelle
Steve Troyanovich
Deb Tully
Marilyn Verburgh
Donna J. Wagner
Tommie Hoxter-Watson
Renée Weitzner
Remember the Shaboo! John & Gretchen
Bob Whitfield
Pat & Steve Yozell